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Proceedings Articles


Müller, Richard; Strempel, Tom: Graph-Based Performance Analysis at System- and Application-Level. In: 11th Symposium on Software Performance, Leipzig, Germany, 2020. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Cypher, graph database, Java, jQAssistant, Jupyter notebook, Kieker, Neo4j, performance analysis, Python)


Müller, Richard; Fischer, Matteo: Graph-Based Analysis and Visualization of Software Traces. In: 10th Symposium on Software Performance, Würzburg, Germany, 2019. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Cypher, graph database, Java, jQAssistant, Kieker, Neo4j, performance analysis)
Müller, Richard; Eisenecker, Ulrich: A Graph-Based Feature Location Approach Using Set Theory. In: 23rd Systems and Software Product Line Conference, pp. 161–165, ACM, Paris, France, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-4503-7138-4. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ArgoUML, benchmark, Cypher, extractive software product line adoption, feature location, graph database, Java, jQAssistant, Neo4j, reverse engineering, set theory, software product line, static analysis)


Müller, Richard; Mahler, Dirk; Hunger, Michael; Nerche, Jens; Harrer, Markus: Towards an Open Source Stack to Create a Unified Data Source for Software Analysis and Visualization. In: 6th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, IEEE, Madrid, Spain, 2018. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: D3, graph database, Java, JavaScript, jQAssistant, jQAssistant dashboard, Neo4j, open source, query, React, schema, software analysis, software visualization)
Baum, David; Dietrich, Jens; Anslow, Craig; Müller, Richard: Visualizing Design Erosion: How Big Balls of Mud are Made. In: 6th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, IEEE, Madrid, Spain, 2018. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: antipattern, Getaviz, Java, software visualization)


Baum, David; Schilbach, Jan; Kovacs, Pascal; Eisenecker, Ulrich; Müller, Richard: GETAVIZ: Generating Structural, Behavioral, and Evolutionary Views of Software Systems for Empirical Evaluation. In: 5th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, pp. 114–118, IEEE, Shanghai, China, 2017, ISBN: 978-1-5386-1003-9. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: empirical evaluation, evaluation process, Getaviz, Java, JavaScript, software visualization, user interface, visualization metaphor, X3D, X3DOM)


Müller, Richard; Zeckzer, Dirk: The Recursive Disk Metaphor - A Glyph-based Approach for Software Visualization. In: 6th International Conference on Visualization Theory and Applications, pp. 171–176, Berlin, Germany, 2015. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: glyph-based visualization, Java, JavaScript, software visualization, X3D, X3DOM)

PhD Theses


Müller, Richard: Software Visualization in 3D - Implementation, Evaluation, and Applicability. Leipzig University, 2015. (Type: PhD Thesis | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: 3D, controlled experiment, generative and model-driven software visualization, glyph-based visualization, Java, JavaScript, literature study, software visualization, X3D, X3DOM)
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